Technology Stack

Everything you see here is subject to continuous adjustment and is intended to give you a practical understanding of how WellPress works for you.


We work with LEMP stack:

  1. Linux operating system (currently Ubuntu 22.04)
  2. web server Nginx (currently version 1.18.0)
  3. database Percona Server (currently version 8)
  4. PHP-FPM (currently version 8.1)


Memcached (currently version 1.6) is our choice of object cache. Nginx caches all static files.

Configuration management

We rely on Ansible to create streamlined, repeatable processes for the entire lifetime of your account.

Account management

We are building our account management software based on the Ruby on Rails framework with integration to monitoring, configuration management, backup providers, client relations, and others.

Data centre

All virtual server instances are hosted on Hetzner Infrastructure. The default location is inside the European Union, with an option for the USA.

Utility instances and monitoring are hosted by Digital Ocean inside the European Union.


Daily backups of the entire database are stored on Backblaze B2 data centres in the Netherlands. These include:

  1. all files of the WordPress installation of your site
  2. all your plugins, themes, and uploaded media files
  3. a full snapshot of the database.
The retention period extends over the entire contract period. Hence it is possible to download a snapshot of the page from day one. Secondly, all virtual servers are fully mirrored once per day. These snapshots are kept for seven days.

Backups are managed through Restic and Autorestic


We register domains with or by default.

WordPress Updates

Core (after publishing with a three-day delay; security critical updates immediately)
Premium/Free Plugins (Weekly)
Premium/Free Themes (Weekly)


We monitor the availability of the websites with the help of Gatus. We monitor the status of the virtual servers with the help of Prometheus and visualize this data on dashboards with Grafana.

Business principles

We are following the E-Myth Philosophy and Agile business principles.